Multiple Printers

Table of contents

  1. Example
  2. Troubleshooting

Fluidd allows you to connect to multiple printers from a single host. Your moonraker configuration for each printer you wish to connect to may require specific setup in order for this configuration to work.

This type of setup is also highly dependent on your network environment.

Reading through the documentation surrounding cors_domains in the moonraker config docs should help explain some requirements.


Assuming you have a single host setup with Fluidd, by way of a docker installation or fluiddpi installation;

  1. Note the URL you use to access Fluidd
    • For this example, let’s assume you access Fluidd on http://fluidd.local
  2. On your fluidd host, when adding a new printer url - add the full address to your printer E.g., http://myprinter.local.

  3. If step #2 fails
    • Make sure moonraker is running, and accessable. You can try to directly test moonraker by going here; http://myprinter.local/server/info. If this URL works, and you still can’t connect - please review the moonraker config docs

The cors_domains section does allow for wildcards to make this easier, and FluiddPI ships with sane defaults. You can see an example here of a configuration that works for along with many common network setups.


If you’re entering a printer URL into the add printer dialog, but Fluidd won’t let me save…

Fluidd won’t let you save a new printer if it can’t confirm moonraker is running. To confirm a moonraker printer instance, try browsing directly to the moonraker API;

# or;

Be sure to replace myprinter.local with the host you’re trying to connect to.

If neither of the above url examples work, then moonraker is incorrectly configured on your printer.

If they do return a valid response, but fluidd still won’t allow you to save, then refer to the above configuration example to ensure moonraker is configured to accept connections from your fluidd host.