Obico for Klipper - Remote Access, AI Failure Detection, and Mobile App
Obico for Klipper is a 100% open-source, free software that lets you monitor and access your printer remotely from anywhere, while you are not on the same local network. Access the full Fluidd interface remotely from anywhere on a web browser or use the Obico mobile app to monitor your printer on the go.
Formerly known as The Spaghetti Detective, Obico is the first and best AI print failure detection. Let AI watch your prints and alert you through your preferred channel or pause the print if something looks fishy.
Additional Obico features:
Print status messages and webcam snapshots sent to mobile push notifications, Email, Telegram, Discord, and more.
Real-time webcam live feed and printer control using Obico’s mobile app iOS or Android or in the browser.
Print Statistics and detailed print history keep you up to date with everything you need to know about your printing activity.
G-Code file management gives you access to your files stored in Obico or in Klipper remotely from anywhere.
Obico is 100% open-source from the client to the server, including the AI failure detection. Self-host Obico server vs. Use Obico cloud.
Follow this guide to set up Obico for Klipper.